Pleasant surprise. The Justices must not have gotten any houses paid for, luxury vacations or loans forgiven by gun manufacturers.
I keep thinking we just need to be more explicit about it. Start Gofund me campaigns to bribe Thomas to vote a certain way. Raise money and show up with it in a sack labeled “bribe”
Something tells me they have a reason for not touching this one. Are they planning on ruling.on a different case and therefore leave this alone knowing it will be nullified later?
Oh I wonder what Pope Francis’ logic was here.
IMO weapon regulations should follow two main categories,
Loading action and holding class, IE how the weapon prepares the next shot when fired, and if it’s designed as a one handed or two handed weapon.
A pump action rifle needs different regulation than a semi-auto pistol, and frankly should require different licenses too, getting good at martial arts using a kitana does not qualify you to enter a duel using scimitars.
For those who find this a win, it’s not, they never are. At best, these laws backfire. Read on.
You can’t ban an AR-15. All you can do is ban a certain features. OK. Now you got stupid features like California imposes. A “fin” on the back of the grip, so it’s not a “pistol” grip. A tubular stock instead of triangular.
CA law said (overturned) that you can either have a detachable magazine that only holds 10-rounds, or you could “pin” the mag in permanently. Saw a guy with a 3D printed speed-loader that would slam 30 rounds through the breach in one push. Easier than hand loading!
If I lived in IL? Been looking for an excuse to buy a Mini 14. Basically the same gun, doesn’t look scary.
Point being, all this law accomplishes is a loss of political capital, loss of single-issue voters. Excellent way to get more Republican votes!
Well, there is one other thing. This nonsense drives AR-15 sales. This particular lib had no interest in an AR-15 until everyone started screaming BAN after Uvalde. Love mine! Thanks fellow libs!
Let me show you why you’re wrong. Both of these laws have stood up to repeated constitutional challenges. They both defacto banned specific types and classes of weapons from being manufactured and sold to the general public. I’m really tired of people using this same stupid fucking argument.
You felt the need to go buy a gun as a form of protest. Congratulations on being a part of an even larger problem in this country, which is a lack of critical thinking skills. If you actually gave a shit about changing the world you wouldn’t be reinforcing gun culture as a way to “own the libs” and then bragging about it on Lemmy.
Did you even read what I wrote, or just spaz out and react? Believe it or not, we’re much on the same side.
Both of these laws have stood up to repeated constitutional challenges.
Uh, no, they didn’t. I was talking about the '94 ban, which was eventually dropped, leading to the rise of AR-15 purchases. How did that work out for ya?
I admit ignorance as to the '86 law! But given my ignorance, why am I ignorant? Seems a thing guntubers, and such other content as I consume (mostly non-partisan), would be railing about? If it’s such a “gotcha” law, why do I see no one talking about it? Be happy for an ELI5. Always happy to learn.
go buy a gun as a form of protest as a way to “own the libs”
Again, didn’t actually read what I wrote? I AM a liberal. I bought an AR to get grandfathered. Liberals literally sold this liberal an AR. How did that work out for ya?
You are approaching me as a right-wing gun nut. And not in good faith. We’re not solving anything talking like this.
Uh, no, they didn’t.
Yes, they absolutely did. You should educate yourself. The Federal Assault Weapons Ban was not overturned. It expired due to an automatic sunset provision in 2004. It repeatedly withstood legal challenges in front of multiple different appellate courts, on varied grounds, and was unilaterally ruled to be constitutional.
So, like I said before, your argument is bullshit. You are obviously repeating regurgitated talking points you have heard without being even moderately aware of the history of this issue. We can argue about the structural differences in the legal landscape that exist today that may change the functional legality of the FAWB, but that has everything to do with the intentional manipulation of the court system rather than any substantive legal differences that would make the law unconstitutional today.
because all these gun laws are working so well up till this point…