when i was growing up i genuinely wanted to be a silicon valley programmer guy (in a good way i mean i was like 15); used to look forward to the keynotes like a playoff game
cook is so fucking dry, zero juice
The guy was a MASTER salesman. People like Musk would kill to be that smooth on stage.
The only parts of current Apple events that get close to that magic are the sections hosted by Craig Federighi.
Yeah, Craig has his moments. Thing is, Steve could be cool and a bit alluring. Craig has a habit of taking it a bit too far into “silly,” but I don’t mind.
The iPad keynote was good, but the iPhone keynote is the gold standard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQKMoT-6XSg&t=3326s
Agreed, iPad was the victory lap. iPhone changed the whole paradigm of what a tech release could do, ironically by focusing very little on the tech itself, instead on the lifestyle implications. Mobile makers are still trying to emulate what Jobs was able to do on that stage in 2007.
Ironically, there was a “gold path” for jobs to follow on the iPhone keynote as the software was extraordinarily buggy, and they outlined a path they were pretty sure was fine
one more thing
No. It’s a commodity appliance, not a religion or lifestyle. We don’t need a priest-like person evangelizing his flock to buy the latest plastic fantastic toy. Go touch grass.
You’re missing the point, whether or not we needed someone like Steve Jobs has come and pass. What matters is the success that the iPhone had entirely because of his ability to work an audience of more than tech-nerds. No one in the 2000s was doing keynotes like Apple with even half the social, adoptive, or financial success that they did.
At least the iPhone is a real existing thing lol.