So house bots function as the refs in battle bots. They are used to separate stuck bots so a fight can continue and the like. Each team also gets one “unstuck” from the house bot per fight, where if they get stuck on the edge of the arena but are functional they can have the house bot come give them a push to keep the fight going.
They weigh WAY more than the little bots they are reffing for, so the little bots shouldn’t be able to do any damage to the house bots or interfere with them.
Kevin disagrees.
Awesome! Love Norwalk havoc
I recently got into BattleBots. I knew there were lighter weight leagues out there, but had no idea you could watch it on YouTube.
If there’s other channels to follow, let me know. I love this stuff.
Here is a classic from this one:
Anything can work in the lighter leagues if you commit!
Cereal Killer is amazing! What a weird and fun idea. I’m genuinely surprised it works.
People love making the little bots out of weird stuff, here’s another cereal killer!
Wow now this is a battle!
Thanks for sharing
Who’s ready for Dutch Oven vs Mixtape? 🔥
Love it! But flipper bots always feel so overpowered in this game, I’m always kinda bummed when they’re the winner of a fight.
Yeah kind of just means every bot that wins has to be self righting. But at least this one can suplex, so extra style points there.