Maybe I’ve got it wrong, but surely the statute of limitations had long since past?
5 years but you’d still owe the money and likely interest that the money would have made.
Plus any other independently unlawful acts could be much longer.
Sooo can they go after his estate or wife for the funds?
Yes. Iirc it would be a windfall.
So long as the charge is filled and the warrant is renewed, the case stays active.
I’m curious about this statement.
I wonder how often warrants are required to be “renewed” for one thing… Or how often they’d typically be up for renewal might be a better way to say that.
I also find it interesting that it seems like this process could completely nullify a statute of limitations.
Warrants are usually good for 5-10 years.
Statutes of limitations prohibit filing of charges after a certain amount of time, 1-5 years for standard / low-level crimes. The statute of limitations is tolled once a charge is filed with the court. Otherwise, people would just run away and hide until the statute of limitations is over.
Please be d.b cooper, please be d.b Cooper!
Dude 100% got away with it. Amazing.
I’m sure AI could easily cross reference obituaries with wanted pics.
U.S Marshalls? I thought those guys were only used for witness protection.
No, there’s a good documentary about their other role in fugitive apprehension called The Fugitive.
There was also an epilogue to it called US Marshals