Yippee Kai Winn mother fucker.
“Beam aboard, we’ll get together, have a few laughs…”
- trouble keeps finding him
- strained marriage
- trusted by associates to do his job
- distant relationship with his kids
- glutton for punishment
- remains dour/sarcastic in the face of danger
Sounds about right.
- Loves crawling in tubes
If I’ve learned anything about Jeffries tubes during the holidays, it’s that they probably contain a federation officer who got stuck ‘doing a “Die Hard”’ on some terrosists.
If I had a nickel for every time that happened…well I would have two nickels. But you have to admit, it’s interesting that it happened twice.
(I can’t actually name episodes, but I know I’ve seen this plot at least twice.)
Occasionally, it’s a teeny tiny shuttle pod that was doing a Die Hard.
One time it was a betazoid sociopath that did a Die Hard.
Now I know what a replicator dinner feels like.
Live long and die prosperous 🖖🏼
Damn I gotta go out to the coast, get together and have a few laughs
DIY instructions on how to make your own Die Hard Christmas ornament: https://www.gosocial.co/make-festive-die-hard-christmas-tree-ornament/
“Now I have an I-MOD, Ho Ho Ho”