Ugh, but I would have to install Ubisoft Connect.
For that much drive space, I could have the entire despecialized Star Wars trilogy in 4k
Pirate it and get a better experience without their awful launcher
Let’s just say; you don’t pay with money.
With every launch of their shitty ad-saturated, bloated piece of shit client shivving me with UAC repeatedly they make me less likely to ever again install one of their games (since Rayman Origins on steam has no DRM and I can just launch the exe directly); so take note Ubi, stop doing giveaways until the gift is not embedded in feces.
I enjoyed playing the game on Xbox and I am happy to claim it for PC, but I kid you not the Ubisoft Connect client hangs when I try to open the Ubisoft store. As others have said, there’s really no need for them to have their own client. Just use Steam!
Very boring game