Former US official
Stuart Seldowitz whose roles included deputy director for Israeli and Palestinian affairs, United States Dept of State 1999-2003 and acting director of National Security Council South Asia Directorate 2009-2011.
abusing Muslim street vendor
“If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, you know what, it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t enough!”
“You’re a terrorist, you support terrorism. You do, you support terrorism. You support killing little children.”
“You know the Mukhabarat?.. Mukhabarat in Egypt will get your parents. Does your father like his fingernails? They’ll take them out one by one.”
“Did you rape your daughter like Muhammad did?.. Muhammad was a rapist.”
“What do you think of that, people who use the Koran as a toilet? Does it bother you?”
Trashy behavior. Did Muhammad rape his daughter though? The whole thing with his 6-year-old wife Aisha is pretty well-known but I don’t think she was his daughter.
To answer your last question, no, he just made it up to harass the poor guy
It was naughty but not his daughty
Did Muhammad rape his daughter
This is what the Wiki has to say :
I must admit, I was expecting his successor.
I wish I could be surprised. Both him and his successor were a little too happy dropping bombs on Muslims for me to be actually surprised.
hahaHAHA that guy seemed so incredibly unhinged in the video, of course he’s one of the guys that was dictating policy on this. this country is a joke
Arrested and charged thankfully.
Scary to think people like this are running the country.