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wow, a blocker more hardcore than me. 🤣 (maybe i’ll do this too…)
Is it really thermonuclear if it can easily be dismissed with a couple of screenshots? And he is trying to allege fraud. This is the flimsiest crybaby tantrum he has had yet.
Right? The media matters article screenshots clearly prove it’s allegations. Unless he tries the angle that they were photoshopped (and obviously he needs proof for it) this gets dismissed immediately.
Hoping it doesn’t cost media matters anything or that they can recoup any fees they may incur from this. Nice to have real reporting with proof to back it up like they showed.
Maybe he meant thermonuclear in the sense that it is mutually assured destruction because, as most trigger happy lawsuit threats tend to forget, a lawsuit means discovery. So a lot more dirt about Xitter and Musk would have to become public record.
It’s not even mutually-assured, though. It’s a kamikaze attack doomed to miss.
This is a funny way to spell ‘frivolous’ when describing a lawsuit
Musk throws thermonuclear tantrum
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I wouldn’t put it past him to eat grandiose for breakfast even if it’s some bacon and eggs wrapped in edible gold and glass full of his own magnificent piss.
“We must allow all free speech!”
“OK so I can choose to take my ads somewhere else”
“Wait no not like that”
Musk, the richest man in the world, said today that he will be ‘holding his breath until everyone is nice to him’. The statement came as advertisers grew concerned about being associated with blatant antisemitism. A statement released by Apple claims that Musk is ‘acting up for attention and needs a timeout and possibly a nap.’ Musk responded with a post to X, formerly a semi-legitimate social media platform, that 'Apple is a big meanie who is in bed with the Jews. ’
"Above everything, including profit, X works to protect the public’s right to free speech. But for speech to be truly free, we must also have the freedom to see or hear things that some people may consider objectionable,” he added.
Good to know you believe in free speech. Elmo. So you won’t mind if companies exercise that right by choosing not to advertise on your racist, apartheid-loving network.
Also doesn’t freedom of speech not apply to companies
Pretty sure it only applies to the government
Why do we keep giving this guy a platform? Do we really care that much about twitter and his stupid shenanigans
Actually we need to keep publicizing his ridiculousness so those that worship him might finally realize he’s not some genius ™. I had a friend recently tell me that Musk was probably the smartest person on the planet right now. I had to explain - as gently as possible so as not to offend those who think others are the snowflakes - that Musk is the very definition of starting on third base and thinking you hit a triple. My buddy gets plenty of propaganda telling him how great Musk is, there needs to be plenty of balance.
NOTE: Before you tell me, yes, I know that brainwashed people don’t just change their mind, and it probably won’t make a difference. But we shouldn’t let these lines of thought go unchallenged.
In this case, I feel it’s important to push donations to Media Matters.
It isn’t fair or right that the rich can just sue what they see as opposition into oblivion. I hope in this case that Media Matters or others sue/counter sue Elon and make his life extra miserable.
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Okay, first let’s cool it with the insults. He’s not a moron, he’s my friend, and he’s extremely intelligent. But he’s been brainwashed by propaganda from those who want to hold up Musk as a god-like figure, which is why I say we NEED to continue publicize Musk’s negative actions to keep balanced information out there.
Second, telling people that they should stop talking on social media about something that you’re tired of hearing about is the antithesis of SOCIAL media. If no one wanted to talk about it, it wouldn’t keep getting posted and commented on. You can use filters and never see another post with his name, but ironically, you opened this post about Musk and made a comment, which keeps it going.
We as in Lemmy users probably don’t care about Twitter at all. But there are 100s of Millions of active Twitter users, so it’s no surprise this is in the news.
We are forced to care because Twitter and the twit running it have political influence. I sure would like for that to cease to be the case, but until it is we don’t have the luxury of ignoring it.
It is pretty entertaining…
The media and celebrities continue to legitimise him and his antisemitism. They are complicit.
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Never huff your own hype.
supporting free speech by suing people for speech in the attempt to limit speech. I’m not saying media shouldn’t be held accountable but in the age of PR bullshit do words mean things anymore?
Believing there are limits to free speech is not a crazy thing but just say what you mean. Media watchdog said things you don’t like so you’re suing them.
“We’ll, well, well if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions “
Still don’t think anyone has put it better than Owen Jones .
I’m sure all those big companies are really worried.
I really want to see him fall on his face suing people who choose to not do business at the nazi bar, then try to sue the ADL for pointing out he runs the nazi bar. Please, please, let him spend whatever he has left on this…
Ok can we agree to stop talking about MuskyBoy?
Who’s upvoting this shit?
i think it’s pretty funny to see this guy destroy everything he comes into contact with. we already have agreed that this guy is an idiot, so we can just circlejerk until this all goes away.
The word you’re looking for is schadenfreude
What if I’m not actually ashamed to enjoy it?
I’m not sure it applies when the guy is the sole source of all his problems