Wait, your heart and lungs stop when you sleep? 🤔
If your kidney stopped makin piss I think you’d be a lot more uncomfortable lol
At home: kidney sleep😴
Right as I start a 6h car ride: kidney on the grind💪👁️
kidneys should be the insult, assholes get shit on just for doing their job, and they still try their hardest. their only bad qualities are our own failures of duty towards them.
we’re just a bunch of selfish kidneys.
Broke my ankle recently and had to have surgery to fix it. I’‘m laid up at my parents’ place until after Christmas at least. It’s been rough because I have to rely heavily on my family.
Anyway, my bladder goes crazy at night and I was having trouble opening doors on my own because I hop around with the aid of a walker. Well last night my mom wouldn’t answer her phone to open doors for me. I had to piss so fucking bad that I risked my safety to open the necessary doors. It was actually really easy and everyone’s lives got so much easier because of it. I’m making a lil bag to hang on my walker so I can get my own snacks from the kitchen. I’ve also learned to use my cane to grab shit that’s out of reach. Being a burden on others is a really good motivator to figure out how to do shit that seems impossible physically.