i read comment about one of these devices that supposedly had incredible specs for the money
but i forgot to save it and cant find it
thanks all for the help!!
i read comment about one of these devices that supposedly had incredible specs for the money
but i forgot to save it and cant find it
thanks all for the help!!
This may be obvious to some, but for everyone else: A Chromebook is not a computer. It’s a giant Android phone. Unless all your problems could be solved by a bigger screen and keyboard for your phone, do not buy a Chromebook.
C’mon, it’s still a computer. It does exactly what most non-technical people need a computer to do. If all your tasks can be done in a web browser, it’s even kinda good at that. I worked exclusively in ChromeOS for more than 8 years and it was a pretty Mac-ish “no fuss, just works” experience.
That said, I myself would never buy one for personal use that doesn’t have Linux firmware. That will give a longer life and the other capabilities you probably have in mind.
Technically my car is a computer, but that doesn’t mean I’ll recommend a Toyota Camry to anyone asking about what “computer” to buy.
lol, I get what you’re saying, but you’ve stretched the analogy well past its breaking point.
Maybe ask yourself, what does a typical student or healthcare staffer need day-to-day that a Chromebook doesn’t provide? Schools and hospitals are some of the biggest purchasers. I don’t think their CTOs would buy your argument.
What’s your definition of a computer? Chromebooks might not be your preferred computer, but they meet every definition of computer that I’m aware of, and I know plenty of people who love them. I know at least two people who run a business from them. They’re not for me, but they’re great for others.
A tomato meets every definition of a fruit, but if someone says, “Pick up some fruit from the store”, are they going to be happy when you bring back tomatoes?
They’re great for people who want a giant phone.