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It should be noted that the draft regulations, as formulated by the communications minister, fully contradict Israel’s democratic values and are unlikely to be approved by the government’s legal counsel.
Ironically, Karhi himself falls under the definition of offenses he published, having previously expressed contempt for Supreme Court justices, refused to state he will obey Supreme Court rulings, and, six months ago, expressed disdain for reserve soldiers who refused to volunteer (“The people of Israel will get by without you, and you can go to hell”).
Show me what fascism looks like
I can show you the progress every developed country has made towards fascism over the past three or so decades.
It’s crazy and scary at the same time how many countries are shifting towards right wing or outright fascist governments.
Capitalism requires an underclass, the more surplus value that is extracted, the more slaves are required to maintain that growth next quarter. The larger and more dissentious that underclass is the more active measures a capitalist society must take to suppress it. As the inevitable decrease of profit occurs, the only option capitalism has is to grow the size of the underclass thus they must restructure a classically liberal and open society and transform it to a totalitarian, or fascist state.
Every country ran by oligarchs will inevitably follow this path.
Fascism is settler-colonialism turned inwards.
Holy shit…can we not?
imagine if this was china or something
Basically a way to shut up critics. What a bunch of morons. I hope the Israelis don’t let it pass and their courts and democratic norms and institutions throw these kinds of things out.
Basically a way to shut up critics. What a bunch of morons. I hope the Israelis don’t let it pass and their courts and democratic norms and institutions throw these kinds of things out.