Meanwhile when the US Govt has a list of actual child rapists (ahem Epstein) not a single one of them faces any jail time. Well, except for Trump, but that’s for other reasons unrelated to being on Epstein’s list. All these laws are smokescreens to take away your privacy and bring greater government control. They have nothing to do with preventing child abuse.
Would this ever really work? I don’t want to be pessimistic and I’d be extremely happy if they actually made something which functions. However how are they going to deal with all the edge cases - I know my mom still has photos from when I was younger dressed scasrly, would those be flagged. How about actual porn but the actress just looks underage (not a fan of it), would that be flagged? Etc… Etc…
I just see so many issues with something like this. Besides the privacy concerns ofcourse.