He’s been accused of violating a prohibition on members of Congress from acting as an agent of a foreign principal.
This asshole is one of my senators. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve called his office to practically beg him to resign. The guy doesn’t have any shame, I really hope to see him in orange soon.
Did you vote for him?
Fuck no. Anyone in NJ without their head in the sand for the past two decades knows he’s a corrupt hack.
Then 54% of voters / 1.7 million people collectively had their heads in the sand in 2018. Which, come to think of it, might explain why so many people there drive like idiots.
A lot of people vote straight down party lines. You must be from PA, get out of the left lane!
Nope, NY, and I can’t ever be in the left lane on I-80, someone’s already in it doing 55 or 90, there’s no in-between (unless you’re near the bridge, and you’re lucky to be moving at all)
Guy is as crooked as a pretzel.