Jokes on them, caramelised onions are damn good both alone or in burgers.
I have a theory that most people’s favorite food is actually onion. We like them sweet, spicy, pickled, and in breakfast omelettes, lunch sandwiches, and alongside dinner proteins. There isn’t much that isn’t improved or at least complemented by an onion.
Onions are s-tier
In my mind its not cooking unless it involves cutting an onion
Old Ukrainian recipe: fry garlic and onions in a pan with butter, then decide what to have for dinner
But just raw dogging onion sounds like hell.
College friend of mine used to eat 'em like apples. Ugh.
As a kid when I saw the movie Holes, I was so tempted to start eating onions like apples, like they do in that scene at the oasis. I also went home after the movie and dug a big hole in the backyard because I was a fucking weird ass. Still am. Never ate an onion like that, but damn they made em look tasty.
Had the same experience. I thought that’d taste really sour but assumed they were focused on the water content and ignored the flavor. Such a good movie, need to get some sploosh.
Just this morning, my 7yo kid asked for a side of crispy fried onions to eat with his chocolate croissant. This is not the first time.
It’s even more hilarious to me because both my kids hate onions in their food. But crispy fried onions? Irresistible!
Now I’m curious…
Crunchy (hopefully, instead of sticky), watery, spicy - all at the same time. Sounds intriguing
That sounds really good
Apples are too sweet to add candy to
I think the apples that are typically used are the sour varieties so that there is a flavor contrast when biting in to it. This is just what I heard though, I usually don’t like whatever is covering them.
It depends who makes them. The ones pre made at like a fair or store that are huge are usually sweet. Tart apples don’t tend to grow big.