It was one of the most bizarre sex crimes in recent Tulsa history. Now it’s over, and both adults involved are headed to prison.
The 12-year-old girl showed up a Hillcrest Hospital in midtown Tulsa in July 2021 in labor.
The father-to-be apparently expected to walk out with the girl and their new bundle of joy.
“They walked in just like any other couple would, excited to deliver their newborn child,” Tulsa Police Officer Danny Bean told FOX23 News in 2021.
When the child, well below the age of consent, showed up to give birth, doctors immediately called Tulsa Police to report what was happening.
No one would have been in trouble if they were married. In Oklahoma, there are no age restrictions for marriage. An adult can marry a toddler if they want. Child marriage is a long-standing conservative tradition, unfortunately.
I disagree with the no age restrictions statement. That makes it sound like there are no restrictions. According to
, in Oklahoma, you have to be 18 to get married, 16 with a parent’s permission, and any age under 16 requires a court order.
any age under 16 requires a court order.
i wonder under what circumstances this happens.
mostly when the girl is raped by her future husband and the family did want to live with the shame/sin of sex before marriage. So they just marry off the girl and pretend the sex happened after the wedding
that’s not what a court order is.
But it is what pushes courts to allow or fill out an order for a child marriage
Don’t give them any ideas…
I felt like this couldn’t possibly be true. I was wrong.
You must not know many American conservatives. Child marriage is a big thing for them.
RAPE! She helped him RAPE!
A 12 year old did not “get pregnant by grown man.” She was FUCKING RAPED!
Holy shit, it implies the issue here was the getting pregnant. There’s a little something that occurred before that and it was called RAPE!
I read this article about an underage marriage, and while it explains how they get to that point in a more specific way, these are still men who rape children incapable of consent. No matter how you slice it, it’s rape.
I’m not sure whether the rape or the non-consentual pregnancy and forced birth is worse…
Then there’s the fate of the child born to the kind of monster that would pay to do this…
After reading the title, I did not expect this to get even more fucked up
Miranda-Jara was initially in a relationship with the girl’s mother but when things soured between the two, mom allowed Miranda-Jara to move on to her then-12-year-old daughter. Eventually, they would begin living together as a couple
That is fuckin’ WILD. Holy shit.
The last sentence is a punch in the gut.
“The girl’s father was in prison for a separate sex crime and has no involvement in his daughter’s life, Tulsa Police told FOX23 News at the time of the incident.”
Yeah that girl is an orphan AND a mother. Fuck.
This is obviously disturbing and disgusting. But, are we not going to talk about those eyebrows?
Holy shit those are eyebrows.
I thought a crow was flying between me and my monitor.
The weird thing is they resemble his eyebrows
When I first saw the photo of the rapist I thought he was wearing a MAGA hat. I guess he might as well be.
I think we can talk about both. Why do they look like punctuation marks somehow?
Disturbing and disgusting.
poverty man
Is that some sort of hideous super hero?
Give her the book for what she did to her child
And add time for those eyebrows
God I didn’t even notice the eyebrows…
There are literally hundreds of child marriages in the US every year.
Which all need to stop unless they fall under Romeo and Juliet laws.
Honestly as unpopular as it is for me to say…, those need to be stopped too… no one should be getting married as teens when they can’t vote or sign a contract legally…
Romeo and Juliet laws are fine for consent purposes, but yeah… They can wait for marriage until they’re both adults.
Too many weird ways that people can technically get away with selling children.For consent, yes! But the contract/marriage part… I think they are more dangerous than good.
Shouldn’t be that unpopular, really. Under those laws, a 16 year old can marry an 18 year old no problem. But, if things aren’t so great a year later (and let’s be honest, we all know people who’ve had those marriages), the now 17 year old needs permission from their adult spouse (parents don’t count anymore, since marriage also emancipates them) to retain an attorney or file for divorce.
Giving the maximum benefit of doubt here and assuming that Romeo and Juliette laws are an honest attempt not to saddle young lovers with a lifetime offender registration, the marriage component of them should be scrapped.
Couldn’t agree more!!
The girl’s father was in prison for a separate sex crime and has no involvement in his daughter’s life, Tulsa Police told FOX23 News at the time of the incident.
so i guess that explains why she was comfortable with allowing an adult to rape her daughter. these are the kind of men she dates.
“one of the most bizarre sex crimes in recent Tulsa history” is a pretty specific statement and makes that city sound terrible.
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I wonder if the two adults are also related, their eyebrows look too alike for them not to be.
Looks like they grabbed a shapie, and not a normal sized one but one of the gigantic oversized sharpies, a protractor, and a geometry book.
This is quite messed up. I understand the decision to charge her.
American exceptionalism
Nice xenophobia