How does it stack up against traditional package management and others like AUR and Nix?

  • Captain Aggravated
    77 months ago

    Some of the under-the-hood implementation of Flatpak irritates me, like why the hell are we installing software in /var? Using it with the terminal is a pain because of the org.something.SomeThing shit it does, and I think Flatpak gives you all the drawbacks of app sandboxing with none of the benefits. It likes to not see the whole file structure; for instance I found the Flatpak version of Steam to be unusable because it wouldn’t see anywhere I wanted to put my games library. That needs to be fixed.

    That said, I think it’s the better of the three all-distro package managers, it’s got a central repository and package manager unlike Appimage so it’s a place to publish and get stuff, and it’s not tied to Canonical so it’s obviously better than Snap.