Long, short story:

Am bad-to-average FPS gamer, looking to improve. Saw an OSU! gamer flinging its “shots” left and right and tried my best to mimick the experience in an FPS. And it worked significantly – all of my shots felt more “secure”, even with my aiming being rusty beyond belief.

And the “trick” to do this is simply leaving your “aiming hand” to aim (ONLY) while leaving your “non-aiming hand” to shoot and everything else. That’s it.

  • @[email protected]
    158 months ago

    Just to see if I got that right: you basically set the fire button key on the keyboard instead of a mouse click and it made it easier to aim? Is this a common technique among pro players?

    • @[email protected]
      88 months ago

      That makes sense. “Trigger control” is hard so moving the trigger to another hand guarantees you won’t click with too much pressure adding unwanted movement to the mouse.

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      It’s not common. Most use the default config if shootinh with leftclick.

      Shooting on space or another keyboard key i only saw with arena shooter players and it was single digit amount of people.