• Carighan Maconar
    69 months ago

    Lego is of course horrendously overpriced nowadays (even knock-offs like Codi or Blue Brixx are starting to go above sensible prices tbh) but their ideas are often interesting. I got the lighthouse which is frankly fantastic, and this looks kinda cute to put between a bunch of real plants. No matter how much I could build it myself from generic parts of course.

    • Bobby Turkalino
      29 months ago

      I can’t see Lego being able to continue with their high prices much longer. Not only are good quality 3D printers becoming cheaper, they’re becoming more accessible and many US public libraries have them (don’t believe me? check your local library’s website). Even in my fairly conservative town, a kid can walk into the library and print a 6"-tall Charmander for free (well, technically paid for by parents’ taxes, but only a minimal portion). 3D printers still give the satisfaction of building something, since it’s not exactly a single-click-of-the-mouse process, and the results are frankly more useful than Lego models, especially as toys.